Christopher Hitchens Where do christians think they get their morals from?
Christopher Hitchens Where do christians think they get their morals from?
If christians are only good for fear of god then they have no morals.
The True Core Of The Jesus Myth - Christopher Hitchens - FreedomFest 1
Dinesh D'Souza and Christopher Hitchens go at it again at the 2008 Freedom Fest as the
"Main Event".
FreedomFest is an annual festival where "free minds meet" to celebrate "great books,
great ideas, and great thinkers" in an open-minded society. It is independent, non-partisan,
and not affiliated with any organization or think tank.
Founded and produced by Mark Skousen, since 2002, FreedomFest invites the "best and the
brightest" from around the world to talk, strategize, socialize, and celebrate liberty.
FreedomFest is open to all and is purely egalitarian, where speakers, attendees, and
exhibitors are treated as equals.
Christopher Hitchens (born 1949) is an author, journalist and literary critic. Currently living
in Washington, D.C., he has been a columnist at Vanity Fair, The Atlantic, World Affairs,
The Nation, Slate, Free Inquiry, and a variety of other media outlets. Hitchens is also a
political observer, whose books — the latest being "God Is Not Great: How Religion
Poisons Everything" — have made him a staple of talk shows and lecture circuits.
In 2009 Hitchens was listed by Forbes magazine as one of the "25 most influential liberals in
U.S. media." The same article noted, though, that he would "likely be aghast to find
himself on this list" and that he "styles himself a radical", not a liberal.
Why The Virgin Birth Is Important For Christians - Christopher Hitchens - FreedomFest 2
Dinesh D'Souza and Christopher Hitchens go at it again at the 2008 Freedom Fest as the "Main Event".
FreedomFest is an annual festival where "free minds meet" to celebrate "great books, great ideas, and great thinkers" in an open-minded society. It is independent, non-partisan, and not affiliated with any organization or think tank.
Founded and produced by Mark Skousen, since 2002, FreedomFest invites the "best and the brightest" from around the world to talk, strategize, socialize, and celebrate liberty. FreedomFest is open to all and is purely egalitarian, where speakers, attendees, and exhibitors are treated as equals.
Christopher Hitchens (born 1949) is an author, journalist and literary critic. Currently living in Washington, D.C., he has been a columnist at Vanity Fair, The Atlantic, World Affairs, The Nation, Slate, Free Inquiry, and a variety of other media outlets. Hitchens is also a political observer, whose books — the latest being "God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything" — have made him a staple of talk shows and lecture circuits.
In 2009 Hitchens was listed by Forbes magazine as one of the "25 most influential liberals in U.S. media." The same article noted, though, that he would "likely be aghast to find himself on this list" and that he "styles himself a radical", not a liberal.
Internal Dread - Don't kill the fly
Don't kill the fly from Internal Dread & the Reggaeterians album "Aum Revolution". Recorded by Baby Arrogant in Kathmandu, Nepal 2003.
Hans Rosling: Religions and babies
Hans Rosling had a question: Do some religions have a higher birth rate than others -- and how does this affect global population growth? Speaking at the TEDxSummit in Doha, Qatar, he graphs data over time and across religions. With his trademark humor and sharp insight, Hans reaches a surprising conclusion on world fertility rates.
60-Second Adventures in Thought (combined)
Free learning from The Open Universityhttp://www.open.ac.uk/openlearn/history-the-
A look at 6 different 'Adventures in Thought' (this is a combination of all 6 parts of the
series into one video)
(all parts - combined)
Playlist link - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73A886F2DD959FF1
Hans Rosling: No more boring data: TEDTalks
With the drama and urgency of a sportscaster, statistics guru Hans Rosling uses an amazing
new presentation tool, Gapminder, to present data that debunks several myths about
world development. Rosling is professor of international health at Sweden's Karolinska
Institute, and founder of Gapminder, a nonprofit that brings vital global data to life.
(Recorded February 2006 in Monterey, CA.)
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED
Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18
minutes. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these
topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and
translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on TED.com, at
Vikram Patel: Mental health for all by involving all
Nearly 450 million people are affected by mental illness worldwide. In wealthy nations, just half receive appropriate care,
but in developing countries, close to 90 percent go untreated because psychiatrists are in such short supply. Vikram
Patel outlines a highly promising approach -- training members of communities to give mental health interventions,
empowering ordinary people to care for others.
Vikram Patel helps bring better mental health care to low-resource communities -- by teaching ordinary people to deliver
basic psychiatric services.
Send them back: The Parthenon Marbles should be returned to Athens
What's all this nonsense about sending the Parthenon Marbles back to Greece? If Lord Elgin
hadn't rescued them from the Parthenon in Athens and presented them to the British
Museum almost 200 years ago, these exquisite sculptures -- the finest embodiment of the
classical ideal of beauty and harmony -- would have been lost to the ravages of pollution
and time. So we have every right to keep them: indeed, returning them would set a
dangerous precedent, setting off a clamour for every Egyptian mummy and Grecian urn to
be wrenched from the world's museums and sent back to its country of origin. It is great
institutions like the British Museum that have established such artefacts as items of world
significance: more people see the Marbles in the BM than visit Athens every year. Why
send them back to relative obscurity?
But aren't such arguments a little too imperialistic? All this talk of visitor numbers and
dangerous precedents -- doesn't it just sound like an excuse for Britain to hold on to
dubiously acquired treasures that were removed without the consent of the Greek people
to whom they culturally and historically belong? That's what Lord Byron thought, and now
Stephen Fry is taking up the cause. We should return the Marbles as a gesture of solidarity
with Greece in its financial distress, says Fry, and as a mark of respect for the cradle of
democracy and the birthplace of rational thought.
What the Economic Crisis Really Means - and what we can do about it
Doing It Ourselves aims to broaden understanding of the debt crisis and peak resources and
encourage action for the sake of personal preparedness, happiness and ethical living. This
animation sums up the key challenges facing our global society of credit crisis and resource
scarcity and describes a path we can take to a happier life, now and in the future!
Find out more at http://www.doingitourselves.org
Christopher Hitchens - The Best of the Hitchslap ONE
The original poster JediJesseS writes:
"Christopher Hitchens at his finest - some of my favorite moments by the writer who has inspired the ideals of skepticism, free inquiry, and rational thought in so many. I believe Hitchslap is now the proper term for the unflinching intellectual prowess displayed in these exchanges."
/Here dies Hitchens (dec 2011) A small gap and the poster gets a little sobby...oki doki...small crush.../
Mr. Hitchens, your contributions to the struggle for liberty, equality, rationality, and freedom will never be forgotten. Your forcefulness, wit, and intelligence gave me the strength and courage to argue for these ideals in my own life. That you have done the same for so many is your great and immortal contribution to mankind. These seemingly small victories are what change the world; one action, one mind at a time, until the tide cannot be held back any longer. Your actions and words have moved us ever closer to that point."
Christopher Hitchens - The Best of the Hitchslap - Part Two
The original poster JediJesseS writes:
"Christopher Hitchens at his finest - some of my favorite moments by the writer who has inspired the ideals of skepticism, free inquiry, and rational thought in so many. I believe Hitchslap is now the proper term for the unflinching intellectual prowess displayed in these exchanges."
/Here dies Hitchens (dec 2011) A small gap and the poster gets a little sobby...oki doki...small crush.../
Mr. Hitchens, your contributions to the struggle for liberty, equality, rationality, and freedom will never be forgotten. Your forcefulness, wit, and intelligence gave me the strength and courage to argue for these ideals in my own life. That you have done the same for so many is your great and immortal contribution to mankind. These seemingly small victories are what change the world; one action, one mind at a time, until the tide cannot be held back any longer. Your actions and words have moved us ever closer to that point."
Stephen Fry e' friends on the life, loves and hates of Christopher Hitchens - IQ2 talks
I.n this historic event, Stephen Fry and other friends of Christopher Hitchens came together to celebrate the life and work of this great writer, iconoclast and debater. Fry was joined on stage at the Southbank Centre's Royal Festival Hall by Richard Dawkins and the two discussed Hitch's unflinching commitment to the truth. Hollywood actor Sean Penn was beamed in from LA by Google+ and, between cigarette puffs, read from Hitch's acclaimed work, The Trial of Henry Kissinger. Five friends of Hitch spoke via satellite in New York: satirist Christopher Buckley and editor Lewis Lapham mused on Hitch's prowess as a journalist. 'Like a pot of gold', said Lapham. Martin Amis, Salman Rushdie and James Fenton delighted the audience with stories of Hitchens as a young man. Rushdie drew roars of laughter when he recounted a word game invented by Amis and Hitchens where the word 'love' is replaced with 'hysterical sex'. Particular favourites included Hysterical Sex in the Time of Cholera and Hysterical Sex Is All You Need.
Watching the event with Hitch at his bedside in Texas, Hitch's wife Carol and novelist Ian McEwan provided an email commentary. 'His Rolls Royce mind is still purring beautifully', typed McEwan.
The event was watched live by 2500 at the venue, and by thousands more in UK cinemas and online
Aparna Rao: High-tech art (with a sense of humor)
Artist and TED Fellow Aparna Rao re-imagines the familiar in surprising, often humorous ways. With her collaborator Soren Pors, Rao creates high-tech art installations -- a typewriter that sends emails, a camera that tracks you through the room only to make you invisible on screen -- that put a playful spin on ordinary objects and interactions.
A part of the Bangalore-based artist duo Pors & Rao, Aparna Rao works with electro-mechanical systems and interactive installations.
Internal Dread - Don't kill the fly
Don't kill the fly from Internal Dread & the Reggaeterians album "Aum Revolution". Recorded by Baby Arrogant in Kathmandu, Nepal 2003.
Bevisen mot Schibbye och Persson iscensattes
Bevisen mot Schibbye och Persson iscensattes
Bevisbluffen i Etiopien SVT kan nu avslöja att de videor som den etiopiska regeringen använt som bevis för hur gripandet av de svenska journalisterna gick till är iscensatta. Våra källor hävdar till och med att videon spelades in två dagar efter Johan Persson och Martin Schibbye greps.
Under rättegången mot Johan Persson och Martin Schibbye hösten 2011 visade åklagaren videofilmer som han menade klart och tydligt bevisade svenskarnas brott. Redan då ifrågasattes en videosekvens och åklagaren tvingades erkänna att ljudet från skottlossning var pålagt i efterhand. Men åklagaren hävdade bestämt att filmerna visade gripandet på ett autentisk sätt.
Välregisserat skådespeleri
SVT har nu tagit del av det oredigerade råmaterialet. Åklagarens film ger intrycket av att det är hårda strider när två rebeller från ONLF-gerillan grips. Men i originalmaterialet syns tydligt att ”rebellerna” agerar som om de vore statister vid en filminspelning och skrattar mellan scenerna. När SVT granskar fler sekvenser blir det än mer tydligt att det handlar om ett välregisserat skådespeleri.
–De var bara skådespelare och hade aldrig ens träffat Martin Schibbye och Johan Persson, säger Abdulahi Hussein, som lämnat materialet till SVT och nu lever under dödshot. Trots det väljer han att träda fram med sitt namn.
Falska bevis
Vid rättegången vittnade också två soldater från den särkskilda gränspolisstyrkan om att ett stort antal ONLF-rebeller dödats när de svenska journalisterna greps. För att styrka detta visas en död rebell i åklagarens film. Mannen påstås ha dödats ett par minuter tidigare och sekvensen är tagen på avstånd. I originalmaterialet finns närbilder på liket men SVT:s källor säger att det är ett gammalt lik. Skotthålen är torra och partier av ansiktet är blåfärgat.
–Militären höll Johan och Martin kvar i djungeln i flera dagar. Anledningen till det var att man skulle få tid att spela in filmen. När filmen var klar togs de till huvudstaden Addis Abeba så att ambassaden kunde träffa dem, säger Abdulahi Hussein.
Smugglats ut
Filmmaterialet har smugglats ut i etapper från Etiopien av källor som nu lever under dödshot. Abdulahi Hussein arbetade tidigare inom den etiopiska administrationen i Ogaden men har nu flytt från landet. Han var ansvarig för insamlandet av det filmade material som använts i den etiopiska videon och det var han som godkände resultatet.
–Syftet med videon var att åtala dem och få dem dömda till ett långt fängelsestraff.
Men In Film
Douglas Fairbanks Sr., Rudolph Valentino, Charlie Chaplin, James Cagney, Spencer Tracy, Fredric March, Errol Flynn, Fred Astaire, Clark Gable, Laurence Olivier, Gary Cooper, Humphrey Bogart, James Stewart, Tyrone Power, Cary Grant, Henry Fonda, Robert Mitchum, John Wayne, Kirk Douglas, Gene Kelly, Burt Lancaster, William Holden, Marlon Brando, James Dean, Rock Hudson, Montgomery Clift, Anthony Quinn, Gregory Peck, Richard Burton, Jack Lemmon, Sean Connery, Sidney Poitier, Charlton Heston, Steve McQueen, Peter O'Toole, Paul Newman, Clint Eastwood, Robert Redford, Dustin Hoffman, Roy Scheider, Warren Beatty, Dennis Hopper, Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson, Robert De Niro, Gene Hackman, Jon Voight, Harrison Ford, Kevin Kline, Kevin Costner, Michael Douglas, Christopher Walken, Mel Gibson, Sean Penn, John Travolta, Antonio Banderas, Tim Robbins, Samuel L. Jackson, Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Russell Crowe, Kevin Spacey, Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, Matt Damon, George Clooney
Music: Bach's Allemande from Suite for Solo Cello No. 3 in C Major, BWV 1009 performed by Antonio Meneses
Women In Film
Mary Pickford, Lillian Gish, Gloria Swanson, Marlene Dietrich, Norma Shearer, Ruth
Chatterton, Jean Harlow, Katharine Hepburn, Carole Lombard, Bette Davis, Greta Garbo, Barbara Stanwyck, Vivien Leigh, Greer Garson, Hedy Lamarr, Rita Hayworth, Gene Tierney, Olivia de Havilland, Ingrid Bergman, Joan Crawford, Ginger Rogers, Loretta Young, Deborah Kerr, Judy Garland, Anne Baxter, Lauren Bacall, Susan Hayward, Ava Gardner, Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly, Lana Turner, Elizabeth Taylor, Kim Novak, Audrey Hepburn, Dorothy Dandridge, Shirley MacLaine, Natalie Wood, Rita Moreno, Janet Leigh, Brigitte Bardot, Sophia Loren, Ann Margret, Julie Andrews, Raquel Welch, Tuesday Weld, Jane Fonda, Julie Christie, Faye Dunaway, Catherine Deneuve, Jacqueline Bisset, Candice Bergen, Isabella Rossellini, Diane Keaton, Goldie Hawn, Meryl Streep, Susan Sarandon, Jessica Lange, Michelle Pfeiffer, Sigourney Weaver, Kathleen Turner, Holly Hunter, Jodie Foster, Angela Bassett, Demi Moore, Sharon Stone, Meg Ryan, Julia Roberts, Salma Hayek, Sandra Bullock, Julianne Moore, Diane Lane, Nicole Kidman, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Angelina Jolie, Charlize Theron, Reese Witherspoon, Halle Berry
Music: Bach's Prelude from Suite for Solo Cello No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007 performed by Yo-Yo Ma
Societymindlove from armitage.tv on Vimeo.
Societymindlove is to pleasure your mind
Full lengh prerelease version of the project from the year
The movie contains twelve oneshot realtime sequences of
coloured water.
analog wateranimation: Irina Lebedeva and Alexander Illi
filmidea, music, montage and color grading: Roman Heller
// Armitage.tv (Germany)
Live performance "Societymindlove 2.0" was performed at
b-seite visual art festival 2011.
If you like my work you probably want to visit my
maybe like it.
Earth - Time lapse sequences of photographs
Earth from Michael König on Vimeo.
Time lapse sequences of photographs taken by the crew of expeditions
28 & 29 onboard the International Space Station from August to October,
2011, who to my knowledge shot these pictures at an altitude of around 350 km.
All credit goes to them.
HD, refurbished, smoothed, retimed, denoised, deflickered, cut, etc.
All in all I tried to keep the looks of the material as original as possible,
avoided adjusting the colors and the like, since in my opinion the original
footage itself already has an almost surreal and aestethical visual nature.
Music: Jan Jelinek | Do Dekor, faitiche back2001
w+p by Jan Jelinek, published by scape Publishing / Universal
janjelinek.com | faitiche.de
Image Courtesy of the Image Science & Analysis Laboratory,
NASA Johnson Space Center, The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth
Editing: Michael König | koenigm.com
Shooting locations in order of appearance:
1. Aurora Borealis Pass over the United States at Night
2. Aurora Borealis and eastern United States at Night
3. Aurora Australis from Madagascar to southwest of Australia
4. Aurora Australis south of Australia
5. Northwest coast of United States to Central South America at Night
6. Aurora Australis from the Southern to the Northern Pacific Ocean
7. Halfway around the World
8. Night Pass over Central Africa and the Middle East
9. Evening Pass over the Sahara Desert and the Middle East
10. Pass over Canada and Central United States at Night
11. Pass over Southern California to Hudson Bay
12. Islands in the Philippine Sea at Night
13. Pass over Eastern Asia to Philippine Sea and Guam
14. Views of the Mideast at Night
15. Night Pass over Mediterranean Sea
16. Aurora Borealis and the United States at Night
17. Aurora Australis over Indian Ocean
18. Eastern Europe to Southeastern Asia at Night
Rives: The 4 a.m. mystery
Poet Rives does 8 minutes of lyrical origami, folding history into a series of coincidences surrounding that most surreal of hours, 4 o'clock in the morning.
Performance artist and storyteller Rives has been called "the first 2.0 poet," using images, video and technology to bring his words to life.
Charlie Todd: The shared experience of absurdity
Charlie Todd causes bizarre, hilarious, and unexpected public scenes: Seventy synchronized dancers in storefront windows, "ghostbusters" running through the New York Public Library, and the annual no-pants subway ride. In his talk, he shows how his group, Improv Everywhere, uses these scenes to bring people together.
Scilla Elworthy: Fighting with non-violence
How do you deal with a bully without becoming a thug? In this wise and soulful talk, peace activist Scilla Elworthy maps out the skills we need -- as nations and individuals -- to fight extreme force without using force in return. To answer the question of why and how non-violence works, she evokes historical heroes -- Aung San Suu Kyi, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela -- and the personal philosophies that powered their peaceful protests
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