
Television - Little Johnny Jewel, Live '78

A standout track from The Blow Up, a '78 live show released as an official release cassette on the ROIR label in the early '80s, followed by an unauthorized CD. Previously, vinyl LP & cassette bootlegs of the show had circulated. It's a recording of a March 20, 1978 Television show at the Long Island, NY club "My Father's Place". 

Discography trivia: I've seen "The Blow Up" sometimes described as a compilation of songs from various '78 shows, but my impression of its origin's different. 'Cause, when The Blow Up first came out on cassette, I was sure (was I mistaken?) the whole tape was identical to a bootleg cassette I already had of one specific '78 show from My Father's Place club, except The Blow Up inexplicably left out the song "Poor Circulation" the bootleg tape included. 

More trivia: A small section of the song never got recorded, as the audience member taping it had to change cassettes before the song ended. Can you hear where Tom's solo near the end stops abruptly, & then they're already into the last section of the song? It was more noticeable on cassette bootleg circulated in the late '70s, as a short, silent gap was left on the bootleg tape versions. By the time it was issued on The Blow Up, they'd edited it together tidily.

Feb. 2012 Update: For those interested in old/rare Television/Tom V. articles, here's a link to a file I uploaded of scans of approx. 60 articles/interviews (most contain interview content):


I collected them between 1978 & 1990, & the articles date from '74 to '90. The Wonder fan site has an excellent articles collection (mostly text files), but many of my articles aren't yet available there. I finally got around to digitizing mine & making them available to other fans to download. Also, here's a link to a file of scans of my copy of book "The Night", a poetry book(let) by Tom Verlaine & Patti Smith, published 1976: 


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